erics, January 25th, 2011
Worked like a madman yesterday to be ready for launch at midnight. At 10pm, the launch was scrubbed and reset back 24 hours. Whew! This is a wild project. Hopefully we can get everything under control today and launch tonight. That would ease the pressure on everyone considerably. Crashed by 10:30, and been up since […]
Categories: Domestic God, Personal, Technology Tags: Firewall, gig, Launch, Morning, Project, sleep, Switch, upgrade, Wild
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erics, December 14th, 2010
Murphy’s Law of Smoke Detectors: A smoke detector low-battery chirp will only start at 4:30am and must wake you up from a sound sleep, NOT start during daylight hours when it would be easy to handle.
Categories: Rants, Technology Tags: Low Battery, Murphy's Law, sleep, Smoke Detector
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erics, June 20th, 2010
Crashed at 8pm. Could not keep my eyes open. I think I ate too much of the delicious sushi. Done sleeping after 11 hours, so here I am, back at the keyboard. Came into the office this morning and found Naomi’s computer had crashed. It was the fans blowing at top speed that alerted me. […]
Categories: Family, Fine Dining, Health Issues, Technology Tags: apple, crash, sleep
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erics, March 9th, 2010
Woke up with leg cramps in the middle of the night. Slept until 9am and feel like death warmed over. Argh. Just cleaned up the kitchen and ran the dishwasher trying to wake myself up.
Categories: Domestic God, Health Issues Tags: sleep
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erics, November 8th, 2009
Dead tired. Going to sleep. Have installed most everything on the server for YouCake. Must configure email in the morning, then onto virtualmin/usermin/webmin.
Categories: Rants Tags: BeeGood, sleep
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erics, September 30th, 2009
Mornings are SO hard, especially when I took Klonopin before bed to be able to quiet my mind down enough to sleep. Makes getting up hard. Tossing and turning in bed – cannot sleep, cannot wake up. Really horrible feeling. So then it is espresso in the morning, which upsets my stomach. Sigh. Vicious circle.
Categories: Health Issues, Personal Tags: Health, insomnia, klonopin, Personal, sleep
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