How To Set an Entire AWS S3 Bucket to Public Read Using a Policy

Author: , February 10th, 2025

I needed to get all files in a bucket readable by the public easily. Here is the S3 Bucket Policy I applied:

To do this via the aws cli command, create the file s3_read_policy.json containing the policy above, with your bucket name in place of BUCKET_NAME_HERE:

How To Sync AWS S3 Buckets Using RClone

Author: , September 9th, 2021

The aws s3 sync command is slow and painful! I needed a more efficient way to sync to large buckets (prod to dev). Finally settled on RClone:

During rclone config I called remote “s3” ;-}

How To Allow IAM Users AWS CDN Read/Write Access For W3 Total Cache

Author: , July 28th, 2021

SUMMARY: Needed to create an AWS IAM Policy to allow a user access to two buckets and their associated CDN’s in WordPress W3 Total Cache

How To Sync Box to S3 Using rclone

Author: , October 3rd, 2019

To sync various cloud resources, use the excellent cli tool rclone from For this use case, the need was to sync from Box to an AWS S3 bucket. Install rclone:

Configure both S3 and Box – for remote name labels I just used “S3” and “Box”:

Validate Access and Functionality:

Perform […]

How To install Boto on Amazon Linux using yum and pip

Author: , August 15th, 2013

How To Install s3cmd

Author: , June 7th, 2013

Install Procedure Download and extract into /usr/local:

Configuration saved to ‘/root/.s3cfg’ Command Line Examples List all buckets: s3cmd ls Make a new bucket in the default region (US): s3cmd mb s3://{YOUR_BUCKET_HERE} Make a new bucket in a specific region: s3cmd mb –bucket-location={DATACENTER} s3://{YOUR_BUCKET_HERE} As of now the datacenters are: US (default), EU, us-west-1, […]

How To Copy An Entire Amazon S3 Bucket

Author: , May 31st, 2012

1. You need Ruby, rubygems and the right_aws gem. yum install ruby rubygems gem update –system gem install right_aws 2. Replace any values inside curly braces {} below with real values and remove the curly braces. YMMV

How To Cache WordPress Using Amazon S3 & CloudFront CDN

Author: , May 3rd, 2012

I found a fantastic tutorial on using the W3 Total Cache plugin with Amazon’s S3/CDN that I had to share: The basic gist of the article says to do the following: Install and activate the W3 Total Cache plugin Sign up for Amazon Web Services (AWS) Obtain your AWS Access and Secret key pair […]

How To Install s3fs On Amazon Linux Using yum

Author: , April 2nd, 2012

To be performed as the root user: The s3fs password file has this format (use this format if you have only one set of credentials): accessKeyId:secretAccessKey If have more than one set of credentials, then you can have default credentials as specified above, but this syntax will be recognized as well: bucketName:accessKeyId:secretAccessKey