How To Revert a Single File to a Specific Commit Using git

Author: , March 18th, 2019


How To Create and Restore an SVN Backup Dump File (.dmp)

Author: , February 1st, 2018

Backup Compressed: svnadmin dump /volumes/data/svn/yourRepo | gzip -9 > /volumes/data/backup/yourRepo.dmp.gz Backup Uncompressed: svnadmin dump /volumes/data/svn/yourRepo > /volumes/data/backup/yourRepo.dmp Restore the Repo Create a new SVN repository: svnadmin create /volumes/data/svn/newRepo Restore the dump file to the new repository: svnadmin load /volumes/data/svn/newRepo < /volumes/data/backup/yourRepo.dmp Just for good measure, here is how to checkout from a local repo: svn […]

Automating Amazon EC2 Instance Backup and Recovery

Author: , November 8th, 2011

My second article has just been published on! This is very exciting for me, and there are going to be more on the way.