How To Install mcrypt For PHP53 On CentOS

Author: , August 12th, 2011

To get mcrypt support for PHP 5.3, compile and install just the mcrypt extension. First, get the prerequisites:

Download the php source code from, for example:

Now, cd to the proper place and follow these steps:

Create the configuration file for MCrypt /etc/php.d/mcrypt.ini containing:

Restart apache:

Create a file […]

How To Configure MySQL For phpMyAdmin

Author: , July 29th, 2011

Securely, allow access ONLY from the local server NOT from the network

Insecurely, allow access via the network

With Table Creation SQL

How To Install MySQL 5.5 On CentOS Using RPM And Yum

Author: , July 29th, 2011

If you get this error: “Table ‘mysql.servers’ doesn’t exist”, do this: