erics, November 1st, 2009
So we went to Long Island yesterday to go to Jason’s Halloween Party. Was so very nice to see him. Also ran into Michelle Z there. Wow! We drove through Lynbrook so I could show Naomi my home turf. There were hundreds of children and parents out trick-or-trreating – just like when I was growing […]
Categories: Personal, Travel Tags: Halloween, Lynbrook, Party, Personal
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erics, October 31st, 2009
Another late night, but VERY satisfying! Many thanks to Todd and Sandra for getting me this work. Looking forward to seeing Jason tonight. We will leave at 3pm, drive through my home town of Lynbrook, then have Japanese takeout with Jason before the party. I am eager to show Naomi “34 Arthur Avenue, Lynbrook NY […]
Categories: Personal, Travel Tags: Lynbrook, Party, Personal, Travel
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erics, October 30th, 2009
Busy day! Have swapped the laundry into the dryer and fed the feline. Took a little white to tweak the WP post for the Nagios service groups to look just the way I wanted. Finally getting back to the PainMinderâ„¢ med unit label bug in the Show Tab.
Categories: Business, Felines, PainMinder™, Personal, Technology Tags: cats, chores, housekeeping, nagios, Personal, WordPress
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erics, October 30th, 2009
Laundry is in. Vacuumed unfinished side of the basement. Re-arranged pictures in the library. Carried water up and found a new home for it in the library. Arranged the spare speakers so that the cat would not destroy the front grilles with her hind claws as she jumped on top of them. Cleaned out the […]
Categories: Personal Tags: housecleaning, Personal
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erics, October 30th, 2009
Was up very late so I went back to sleep – was woken up at 9am by the sound of gas-power blowers as the gardeners next door started cleaning up the neighbor’s leaves. I HATE THAT! So I got up and cleaned up the bedroom, rearranged and cleaned the kitchen counters, re-organized a section of […]
Categories: Business, PainMinder™, Personal, Rants Tags: PainMinder, Personal, Wyzaerd
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erics, October 30th, 2009
Time for bed. Yay for Friday! Made some final cosmetic tweaks to the site: [code]$var += 0;[/code] gets rid of trailing zeros very nicely.
Categories: Personal Tags: Personal
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erics, October 29th, 2009
Could NOT get my engines started. Still trying to wrap my head around how to document the code structures. I washed windows and cleaned up Naomi’s shoes. Got some PainMinder work done – modified the master admin page to display more info, and redid most of the code in that routine. Spoke to Michael about […]
Categories: Business, Health Issues, PainMinder™, Personal Tags: PainMinder, Personal
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erics, October 29th, 2009
This month FLEW by. Two days until Halloween! We are going to Jason’s party!! Want to make serious progress on diagrams today – fell asleep last night.
Categories: Personal Tags: Personal
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erics, October 28th, 2009
Could not get much done after lunch. Was just dopey. Finally “woke up” and was able to bang out the first draft of the project plan for the secret client’s website. So far the client seems happy. Naomi and I had dinner together and watched another episode of B5..S2E2. Now she is back to work […]
Categories: Business, Personal Tags: Business, Personal
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erics, October 28th, 2009
Bedtime! Insomnia is such a hassle.
Categories: Health Issues, Personal, Rants Tags: insomnia, Personal
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