erics, February 16th, 2019
As of Mac OS X Lion 10.7, Terminal provides Services for opening a new terminal window or tab at the selected folder in Finder. They also work with absolute pathnames selected in text (in any application). You can enable these services with System Preferences > Keyboard > Keyboard Shortcuts > Services. Look for “New Terminal […]
Categories: How-To's, Technology Tags: apple, Finder, howto, Keyboard, MacOS, macosx, Menu, Mojave, Open, Services, Terminal, tips, window
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erics, April 12th, 2017
You can associate a file extension with an app (such as MacVim) via the “Info dialog”. Just select the file and hit Cmd-i, then go to the “Open with” tab, select app and hit “Change all…”. This will change the default application for that file type.
Categories: How-To's, Technology Tags: App, apple, howto, Log, Mac, MacOS, macosx, Open, tips
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