Happy New Year 2012

Author: , December 31st, 2011

Ninety Acres Was Wonderful

Author: , January 1st, 2011

As expected, a truly amazing evening. The best part for me was being on the veranda at the Mansion during the party with Naomi, overlooking the valley at night, sitting in front of a real wood fire, with the stars shining extraordinarily brightly above. The view was infinite, the pleasure absolute. Not to mention the […]

Happy New Year!

Author: , December 30th, 2010

May the coming of the New Year 2011 bring happiness and a clear perspective to the world at large. This past year has been filled with large events all around the globe. The news brings us stories of fearful magnitude. Life is hard enough. Let us all strive to offset the negative as best we […]

OK, I Think We Are Ready for Tonight!

Author: , December 31st, 2009

Everything is clean. Just a few small things left to do. We are definitely ready to rock and roll tonight!