Sonos was running just fine oon my MacOS Mojave iMac, then I had to force-quit it due to a system freeze. The Sonos app REFUSED to start, no matter what I tried, including uninstall/reinstall, full scrub of all files located, uninstaller software, reboots, cache cleaning and reboot with Onyx – NOTHING worked, and i was […]
I use csshX on a daily basis. The default layout on my screen for three nodes is one column with three rows, one per node. This layout is excellent for visual positioning, but does make it harder to read long output. For this purpose, I start csshX using the column quantity specifier -x and I […]
As of Mac OS X Lion 10.7, Terminal provides Services for opening a new terminal window or tab at the selected folder in Finder. They also work with absolute pathnames selected in text (in any application). You can enable these services with System Preferences > Keyboard > Keyboard Shortcuts > Services. Look for “New Terminal […]
Use the ssh-keygen command on a computer to which you’ve downloaded your private key .pem file; for example: First, ensure permissions will allow ssh-keygen to work: chmod 600 /path/to/the/file/your-key-pair.pem Then generate an RSA public key: ssh-keygen -y -f /path/to/the/file/your-key-pair.pem >
I installed an old version of Adobe software on my new Mac and as usual, it installed some daemons that are undesirable. Here is how I got rid of them via the Terminal. Note: Adobe installs daemons in the user context, so do this as your regular user login, not as root. shell> launchctl list […]
Launch System Preferences Select Users & Groups Select Login Options Select Join next to Network Account Server Select Open Directory Utility Click the lock and enter your password to make changes In the menu bar of Directory Utility, select Change Root Password Create a strong, unique password
Reposted from The new APFS creates snapshots during local Time Machine backups, and this can mean, especially if you’be been dealing with some large files, that when you delete them and empty the wastebasket, you don’t get your disk space back. The key is to look at your local backups, and the easiest method […]
You can associate a file extension with an app (such as MacVim) via the “Info dialog”. Just select the file and hit Cmd-i, then go to the “Open with” tab, select app and hit “Change all…”. This will change the default application for that file type.
SET THE DEFAULT TO SHOW Run this command in a Terminal window: defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES Relaunch Finder: Hold down the Option/ALT key on your keyboard, then right-click the Finder icon in the dock and select Relaunch. SET THE DEFAULT TO HIDE defaults write AppleShowAllFiles NO then relaunch finder as above.