How To Prevent ZenDesk Browser Page From Refreshing Constantly in Safari on MacOS

Author: , June 12th, 2024

First, enable Developer mode via the Safari menu -> Settings… -> Advanced Tab Then, disable Cross-Origin Restrictions on the Developer Tab Finally, be sure to refresh the page you are having issues with. As always, YMMV!

How To Fix Mouse Scrolls the Command Line History Instead of the Window Buffer in Terminal

Author: , May 23rd, 2023

In the macOS Terminal, my mouse scroll wheel would magically start scrolling the command line history instead of the window buffer scroll bar on the right to show window history. This happened when an SSH session was disconnected or timed out. The fix is to run the reset command.

How To Enable SSH Login From OS X Yosemite 10.10.5 to macOS Ventura 13.3.1

Author: , May 19th, 2023

I was unable to login from my old iMac running Yosemite to my new iMac running Ventura using RSA keys. It turns out that RSA key support was disabled in Ventura. To correct the problem, I added the following two lines to the bottom of BOTH /etc/ssh/ssh_config and /etc/ssh/sshd_config on the Ventura side:

Be […]

How To Fix SSH Permission Denied From macOS Ventura To Amazon Linux

Author: , May 9th, 2023

I have been using RSA SSH keys forever to login to my various AWS EC2 instances. With macOS Ventura 13.3.1 ssh failed with the “Permission Denied” error. Using ssh -vvv, I saw that the RSA key was now being rejected. After much research, I decided to implement new keys on the client (Ventura) side using […]

How To Get rsync To Work With macOS Ventura – Getting Error “Operation not permitted”

Author: , May 5th, 2023

I have a new iMac running macOS Ventura 13.3.1. I tried to rsync some files from another host and got the following error:

In order to get rsync to have access to the hard drive in macOS Ventura, you need to add rsync and other programs to the Full Disk Access panel under Privacy […]

How To Get SSH Logins Working Again In macOS Ventura

Author: , February 24th, 2023

SSH login from older hosts running OS X Yosemite 10.10.5 to macOS Ventura 13.2.1 was not working. SSH failed with a “No hostkey alg” error. To correct the problem, I added the following two lines to the bottom of BOTH /etc/ssh/ssh_config and /etc/ssh/sshd_config on the Ventura side:

Be sure to stop and start Remote […]

How To Change The Outgoing Email Domain In MacOS

Author: , March 17th, 2022

When I sent email from my desktop Mac cron jobs, it went out with the full hostname as the domain, i.e.:, when all I wanted was a simple for ease of deliverability and domain maint. Edit the mail configuration file

Add/edit the myorigin value of $mydomain:

How To Enable Focus Follows Mouse On MacOS

Author: , December 2nd, 2021

Use AutoRaise! From the docs: “When you hover a window it will be raised to the front (with a delay of your choosing) and gets the focus.” Web page: Download:

My ~/.AutoRaise file:

How To Bounce the Dock Icon For All Incoming Email on MacOS

Author: , November 2nd, 2021

I needed a way to get the dock icon to bounce for all incoming emails and there did not seem to be any option to do so. There is actually a simple way to do it, but it is not intuitive. The key is to add a new Rule! Open and choose Mail -> […]

How To Restart a Hung Top Menu Bar in MacOS

Author: , April 23rd, 2021

Ever get the spinning beachball when trying to access the top menu on your Mac? SOLUTIONS Use the GUI Open the Activity Monitor application Select All Processes from the View menu Click on the SystemUIServer process, then click Force Quit. ~or~ Via CLI In Terminal, execute killall SystemUIServer