How To Remove 802.1X Profiles in MacOSX Lion

Author: , August 22nd, 2013

In Terminal:

Then reboot. YMMV… This is why I am so upset with Apple these days – they constantly “dumb-down” MacOSX, removing features to “protect” the innocent public from harming themselves with the click of a mouse. Perfectly reasonable advanced features that existed in 10.6.8 are no-where to be found in 10.7 Lion (bad) […]

How To Reinstall Property List Editor For XCode 4

Author: , July 25th, 2012

As of XCode 4, Apple no longer supplies the Property List Editor application with its developer tools. Here is how to get it back: Step 1 Get your copy of Snow Leopard, either on disc or in disk image format. Insert disk or mount disk image. Step 2 Download Pacifist, an application which allows you […]

How To Keep SSH Alive In MacOSX Lion Terminal Sessions

Author: , May 24th, 2012

Apple’s 10.7 Lion, is NOT my favorite iteration of MacOSX. They continue to make the OS more Windows-like, which means they have started down that slippery slope… In Snow Leopard, I could have my ssh sessions running for weeks. In Lion, the ssh sessions time out with nasty errors, including “Write failed: Broken pipe”. After […]

How To Disable Lion’s Resume Feature

Author: , May 16th, 2012

Launch System Preferences and click on the “General” icon At the bottom of the “Number of recent items” list, uncheck the checkbox next to “Restore windows when quitting and re-opening apps”

How To Reset Safari Configuration Files

Author: , September 19th, 2011

Quit Safari and move the following files to the Desktop for safe-keeping, then restart Safari. ~/Library/Caches/ ~/Library/Preferences/ Lion Hint: To find the Home folder in OS X Lion, open the Finder, hold down the Option key, and choose Go > Library

How To Create A Bootable MacOS X Lion Disk

Author: , July 21st, 2011

(Reposted without permission from Macword. Original Article) Purchase and download Lion from the Mac App Store on any Lion compatible Mac running Snow Leopard. Open a Finder window and navigate to /Applications/Install Mac OS X Lion. Right click on the “Mac OS X Lion” installer and choose the option to “Show Package Contents.” Inside the […]

iPad 2

Author: , March 4th, 2011

I figured I would throw in my two cents about the iPad2. An evolution, not a revolution. Gorgeous, and I am buying one immediately. 16GB with Verizon 3G in black. My opinion is that there will indeed be an iPad3 forthcoming this year. THAT will be the revolutionary device that Apple pulls out all the […]