erics, April 23rd, 2021
Ever get the spinning beachball when trying to access the top menu on your Mac? SOLUTIONS Use the GUI Open the Activity Monitor application Select All Processes from the View menu Click on the SystemUIServer process, then click Force Quit. ~or~ Via CLI In Terminal, execute killall SystemUIServer
Categories: How-To's, Technology Tags: Activity Monitor, All Processes, apple, BeachBall, Force, Force Quit, Hang, Hung, Kill, killall, killall SystemUIServer, Mac, MacOS, macosx, Menu, Quit, Restart, Shell, Spiining beachball, Stop, SystemUIServer, Terminal, Top Menu
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erics, November 18th, 2018
I installed an old version of Adobe software on my new Mac and as usual, it installed some daemons that are undesirable. Here is how I got rid of them via the Terminal. Note: Adobe installs daemons in the user context, so do this as your regular user login, not as root. shell> launchctl list […]
Categories: How-To's, Technology Tags: Adobe, apple, daemon, Disable, howto, Kill, launchctl, MacOS, macosx, Shell, Stop, Terminal, tips, Unload
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