SUMMARY: Needed to create an AWS IAM Policy to allow a user access to create and delete EBS snapshots. This script also needed to be able to list volumes:
If you ever want to view your JSON as a human ;-} $pretty_json = json_encode($data, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
Use the “dataFilter” Ajax option given the following server reply: { status: 17, result: “You are not logged in” } [code] var $tabs = jQuery(‘#menutabs’).tabs({ ajaxOptions: { dataFilter: function(server_json_reply){ var data = jQuery.parseJSON(server_json_reply); if (data.status == 17) { alert(‘Your session has timed out and you have been logged off.’); window.location = “/”; } return data.result; […]
Delight, happiness, and glee, even! Thanks to my secret weapon, the JSON module seems to be doing what I want it to do. We will see in the morning when Jer looks at it ;-}
Finally picking up steam: – Had to fix my Apogee Duet – it just stopped working – it seems the drivers got corrupted, so I got the latest ones from the website that are now Snow Leopard compatible. – Did a software update on Naomi’s system, with an Onyx cleaning and a permissions repair first […]
Found that DBIx::Wrapper was BROKEN BADLY – now using DBIx::SQLEngine with great success… Just had our first successful test from the database through JSON to the javascript front-end. Very nice. Zooooooooom!
Working on JSON interface. Making progress. Fell asleep for a couple of hours this afternoon. I guess I am still recovering from not feeling well over the weekend. Cleaned the kitchen counters and took out the garbage. Payed bills, and sent out last invoices. Getting caught up. Now, I must collect the funds owed to […]