erics, March 20th, 2011
Apple has done a magnificent job with the iPad2. We just got one today and already we are in love with it. I believe it will become Naomi’s primary computing platform. As much as I am eager to play with the new “toy”, it is hers now. She has bonded with it and is obviously […]
Categories: Technology Tags: apple, iPad, iPad 2, iPad2
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erics, March 4th, 2011
I figured I would throw in my two cents about the iPad2. An evolution, not a revolution. Gorgeous, and I am buying one immediately. 16GB with Verizon 3G in black. My opinion is that there will indeed be an iPad3 forthcoming this year. THAT will be the revolutionary device that Apple pulls out all the […]
Categories: Technology Tags: apple, iOS, iPad, iPad2, iPad3, Lion, macosx
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