Off To Elements

Author: , January 9th, 2011

We are taking a client and his wife to Elements for brunch. Looking forward to sharing the great food with them. I believe that my client’s fondness for breakfast will be well-satisfied there. Drum roll, please… The production-ready version of his iPhone app is ready! I have even learned how to distribute it easily from […]


Author: , April 15th, 2010

Got the black box guts working a tad. Time for bed now.

Didn’t I Just Go To Bed?

Author: , February 13th, 2010

Wow, a whopping 5 hours!

Must get to bed

Author: , January 15th, 2010

Have to go visit the Clinton Group’s disaster recovery site for the monthly visit in the morning, so must get to bed asap.

Travel, Eat, Sleep, Work

Author: , January 9th, 2010

An odd day. We visited a friend in New Paltz, NY, then came home and picked up bagels. Lunch came and went, and I crashed out hard. Slept much of the day. Then woke up and worked late. Had stomach issues, I think from the salads at the bagel place.

Cannot sleep, so I will say thank you

Author: , December 30th, 2009

So revved up by new coding methodologies and YouCake progress made over past two days, brain will not turn off. Hopefully, I can go to bed now and get some sleep. It HAS been an amazing year really, since Naomi and I got through a year of global fiscal turmoil, as a team, still standing […]

Time to crash.

Author: , November 20th, 2009

Gotta go to bed. At least I did the Siege load testing on the new YouCake web server, and boy, does Jeremy’s code perform!

Dead tired, finally sleepy

Author: , November 18th, 2009

Have updated to-do list, added a count-down timer to the migration deadline into the right sidebar and dumped out my brain as much as possible in preparation for sleep. Here’s hoping!


Author: , November 12th, 2009

My adorable wife just wandered in half-asleep to wish me a happy birthday before going back to bed. I love her SO MUCH! Now I am going to bed as well. Finally.

Longs Days, Short Nights, and it is NOT Summertime

Author: , November 5th, 2009

Been averaging 5 hours of sleep per night. Trying to keep up with the workload now. Will handle Jay today, then rush home and work on both the YouCake and Rapida project plans. Have a conf call tomorrow at 12n with my YouCake team. Will need to visit Rapida again Monday or Tuesday. Saw the […]