If you are asked “Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?” when trying to connect via SSH, then the remote host’s identification key has not yet been stored in your ~/.ssh/known_hosts file. This then requires you to type the full string “yes” in order to proceed because the default value for ssh is […]
Use AutoRaise! From the docs: “When you hover a window it will be raised to the front (with a delay of your choosing) and gets the focus.” Web page: https://github.com/sbmpost/AutoRaise Download: https://github.com/sbmpost/AutoRaise/archive/refs/heads/master.zip
I needed a way to get the dock icon to bounce for all incoming emails and there did not seem to be any option to do so. There is actually a simple way to do it, but it is not intuitive. The key is to add a new Rule! Open Mail.app and choose Mail -> […]
The aws s3 sync command is slow and painful! I needed a more efficient way to sync to large buckets (prod to dev). Finally settled on RClone: https://rclone.org/docs/
There are three commands in Linux to easily get a reverse DNS lookup with: dig, host and nslookup. Here are examples of each: shell> dig -x +short
My /etc/rc.local was not loading at boot time. rc.local is a symlink to /etc/rc.d/rc.local lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 Jun 22 2020 rc.local -> rc.d/rc.local I had to execute the following:
I wanted to use the same SSH keys for multiple AWS regions. As it turns out, AWS simply stores the public key when you download the private key as a .pem file. The solution is to simply generate the public key locally from the existing .pem, then import the public key using the same name […]
SUMMARY: Needed to create an AWS IAM Policy to allow a user access to create and delete EBS snapshots. This script also needed to be able to list volumes: