First, enable Developer mode via the Safari menu -> Settings… -> Advanced Tab Then, disable Cross-Origin Restrictions on the Developer Tab Finally, be sure to refresh the page you are having issues with. As always, YMMV!
To disable all automatic WordPress updates, just edit your WordPress/wp-config.php file and locate the line that says: /* That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */ Add the following line ABOVE that line, then save and exit:
Edit your WordPress/wp-config.php file and locate the line that says: /* That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */ Add the following three lines ABOVE that line, then save and exit:
Be sure to refresh your browser to get the new settings! BONUS To force the use of FTP, change FS_METHOD from direct to ftpext: […]
shell> vimdiff file1 file2 ~OR~ shell> vim file1 file2 Create a vertical split window: Control-w v Enable visual diff on the left side: :diffthis Move the cursor to the right side buffer: Control-w Right-arrow Enable visual diff on the left side: :diffthis You should now see the differences highlighted on both sides.
Summary In this blog we explore how to use certificates from Let’s Encrypt to secure self-hosted Bamboo and Crucible. Process To Follow Install Certbot Ensure that external DNS resolves to the correct IP addressping Ensure that Port 80 is open from the outside to that IP address so that Let’s Encrypt can validate the […]
SUMMARY If sysbench is started with the “–mysql-ssl=on” option, it looks in the current directory for the following files:
cacert.pem(note no dash)
PROCEDURE Locate the current MySQL database certificates, usually in /var/lib/mysql, and make sure that the OS user running sysbench is able to read the following 3 files: