erics, June 30th, 2012
This is a picture of Charles and Lucy Resnick, my maternal grandparents. He passed away today. They are together again at last. May they walk hand-in-hand through the gardens of Light! He was an extraordinary man and role model. He was married to Lucy for roughly 70 years and they held hands until the end. […]
Categories: Family Tags: Arthur Avenue, Charles and Lucy Resnick, Charles Resnick, death, FL, Florida, Head trauma, Lucy Resnick, Lynbrook, NY, Pompano Beach, Resnick, Rip
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erics, April 8th, 2011
Back in Savannah! Many thanks to the staff at Ruth’s Chris in Fort Lauderdale for taking extraordinary care of us and our family for the two consecutive nights that we dined with them. Also thanks to Il Lugano for a fine stay. We arranged with our friend Geoff to go out for the day in […]
Categories: Family, Travel Tags: Boat, Boating, Florida, Il Lugano, Ruth's Chris, Tybee
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erics, April 5th, 2011
What a disgusting place. The humidity is over 70% full time and the temps are in the 80’s by 8am. Saw my grandfather yesterday afternoon. He is alert but very frail. It is quite painful to see him like this. We will spend the day with him today. We had ill dealings with the Marriott […]
Categories: Family, Travel Tags: Florida, Grandfather, Marriott, traffic
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erics, March 30th, 2010
Seder was very nice last night. My cousin and his wife did an excellent job with the meal. Today we migrate from Naomi’s cousin’s apartment to a guest room at the assisted living facility my grandfather is in. Yuk. Naomi’s cousin is returning from his business trip, so we decided to vacate the one-bedroom apartment. […]
Categories: Family, Travel Tags: Florida, Seder
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erics, March 27th, 2010
Only 0 weeks, 0 days, 0 hours and 51 minutes left until departure time! Packing the car and getting ready to leave… Sunshine predicted for the day – YAY House sitter has been engaged so we do not have to worry about the cats or security.
Categories: Travel Tags: Florida
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erics, March 25th, 2010
Working as fast as I can to get packed. Then on to making dinner, and back to coding later this evening. I expect to have the entire interface module done by tomorrow 6pm. That way I can depart for FL in peace.
Categories: Domestic God, Travel, What? Tags: Florida, Madness, Travel
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erics, March 25th, 2010
Leaving for Florida in just two days. Packing almost done, too! Trying to get the basement dry has been exhausting. Been coding too, but slowly. Eager to make progress today with Jeremy.
Categories: Domestic God, Travel, What? Tags: Florida, Madness
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erics, March 17th, 2010
Yesterday was not one of my better days. I had a migraine. I was also depressed about the upcoming trip to FL. Last time I was there was to attend my grandmother’s funeral. The time before that (just two weeks before) was the last time I saw her and had to say goodbye. I remember […]
Categories: Family, Health Issues, Travel Tags: death, depression, Florida
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erics, March 1st, 2010
Delaying the trip to FL because my grandfather is out of the hospital and into rehab. Got agreement about code direction for the next couple of days. Mounted the rest of the displays on the wall. Now have anti-glare screens where they need to be. Code is moving along.
Categories: Family, Travel, What? Tags: Florida, Grandfather, Madness, What?
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erics, February 28th, 2010
Second night in a row where I have been up every hour with stomach issues. Not had much sleep. Feeling overwhelmed by upcoming travel and need to deliver code to my team. I know they said not to worry about it, but we need to move forwards and I am holding things up.
Categories: Family, Health Issues, Travel, What? Tags: Florida, Madness, Stomach pain, What?
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