If you’re using inline-block on elements that are inline by nature (a, span, etc.), IE7 will not recognize your inline-block. Simply use this IN ADDITION to your CSS to make it work.
Important Note: This solution REQUIRES jQuery 1.6 or better due to the addition of the :focus selector! Here is how I used it for a form in a jQuery UI dialog:
Original Post: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/991367/how-to-get-the-form-parent-of-an-input Native DOM elements that are inputs also have a form attribute that points to the form they belong to: var Form = element.form; alert(jQuery(Form).attr(‘name’)); Use the jQuery closest() function for NON-INPUT elements: var $form = jQuery(element).closest(‘form’); alert($form.attr(‘name’)); Another cool post: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/311579/jquery-js-how-do-i-select-the-parent-form-based-on-which-submit-button-is-clic