erics, January 26th, 2011
Hey all, Wanted to let you all know that we are having a STELLAR traffic day today . . . we are at over 220k PVs already, which would be a great day for us altogether. We have a feature on the homepage of, which is driving some nice traffic. We link to a slideshow, […]
Categories: Technology, Travel, Wyzaerd Tags: apache, AWS, ELB, Launch, Migration, Varnish
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admin, January 20th, 2011
Snow is coming tonight. That means that my lovely wife will be working from home tomorrow..that makes me very happy! The client migration is tomorrow night, so I am swamped with last-minute tasks. There are many cool API’s for AWS, including the ability to attach to and detach from a virtual load balancer from the […]
Categories: Business, Family, Technology, Weather, Wyzaerd Tags: AWS, ELB, Friday, Migration, Naomi, Snow, TGIF, WFH, wife
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