Zsh Auto-Return on Paste

Author: , January 17th, 2025

Have you ever found yourself frustrated when copying and pasting commands in the Apple terminal no longer behaves as expected? If you used to work with Bash on older macOS versions, you might recall that pasting a command into the terminal automatically executed it—no extra steps required. However, with the switch to Zsh as the […]

How To Copy Top-Level Directory Only Using rsync

Author: , June 17th, 2015

Regular Files: rsync -av –no-r –progress /volumes/source/* /volumes/destination/ Dot Files: rsync -av –no-r –progress /volumes/source/.* /volumes/destination/

Amazon Offers New Options for Disaster Recovery Operations

Author: , December 18th, 2012

Today AWS announced the ability to copy EBS snapshots to other regions, with the ability to copy AMIs coming soon. This is a HUGE improvement, and one that will allow IT architects to create automated DR solutions across AWS regions providing significant resilience against outages. Dear Amazon EC2 Customer, We are delighted to announce the […]

How To Copy An Entire Amazon S3 Bucket

Author: , May 31st, 2012

1. You need Ruby, rubygems and the right_aws gem. yum install ruby rubygems gem update –system gem install right_aws 2. Replace any values inside curly braces {} below with real values and remove the curly braces. YMMV

How To Move A File Safely In PHP:

Author: , March 3rd, 2012

Safely move a file in PHP:

How To Mirror An FTP Server Using wget

Author: , February 25th, 2012

wget -m ftp://login:password@yourServer/the/path/

How To Copy Data From Table To Table Using MySQL

Author: , June 8th, 2011