Manheim Steamroller ROCKS!

Author: , December 3rd, 2009

This was my first trip to the Beacon Theatre. What a magnificent venue. Very reminiscent of “real” old-time theatres with marble and incredible artwork and light fixtures, just extraordinary. I spent a lot of time just looking at the walls and decor. The show was spectacular. We had front-row seats. This group is better live […]

Concert tonight

Author: , December 3rd, 2009

We are going to the Beacon Theatre to see Manheim Steamroller. Naomi got us front-row-center seats for this one! We will start out with dinner at Ouest at 6pm, and then see the show at 8pm. Should be a very very lovely evening – and it is supposed to be 65 degrees out today, too!

Cannot think of a slick title for this post

Author: , October 18th, 2009

Too early in the morning I guess. Had a very good day yesterday. Was very productive for the secret client. He has instructed me to review code and then present a modification for his review and approval. I love it. This is a great project and he is the first person I have met in […]