erics, October 2nd, 2015
I needed to automate the addition of new users with a sequential member’s ID in WordPress. Additionally, there were non-numeric entries in that column that had to be ignored. The wp_users.user_login column is a varchar(60) and so does not naturally handle numeric operations well at all. The solution is a combination of REGEXP and cast(): […]
Categories: How-To's, Technology Tags: Cast, Char, Column, Filter, howto, Max, mysql, Numeric, Regex, regexp, select, sort, SQL, tips, Varchar, Where, WordPress
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erics, July 7th, 2015
To search for non-ASCII characters: /[^\d0-\d127] Use the substitute function to clean them up: :%s/[^\d0-\d127]/ /g
Categories: How-To's, Technology Tags: ASCII, Char, Characters, Find, howto, Replace, search, tips, vi, vim
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