erics , July 31st, 2013
These are the steps I took to get this installed on a t1.micro AWS instance. OPTIONAL: Increase virtual memory for compiling Passenger as per warnings from passenger-install-apache2-module dd if=/dev/zero of=/swap bs=1M count=1024 mkswap /swap swapon /swap BASIC INSTALLATION yum install -y gcc-c++ patch readline readline-devel zlib zlib-devel openssl-devel libxml2-devel libxslt-devel libcurl-devel make bzip2 autoconf automake […]
Categories: How-To's , Technology Tags: Amazon , AWS , CentOS , howto , Rails , Ruby , Ruby on Rails , RVM , tips
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erics , May 17th, 2013
Introduction WordPress installs globally have been taking quite a hit recently, as nefarious persons continue to attempt brute-force attacks against the WordPress login page. Based on research and experimentation, I have chosen the following approach to provide security with the lowest performance hit: require a web-server-level password for all requests to the wp-login.php file. This […]
Categories: How-To's , Technology Tags: .htaccess , admin , Amazon , Attack , AWS , Brute-force , CentOS , htpasswd , Linux , WordPress
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erics , March 27th, 2012
yum install httpd - devel
wget http : //
tar xzf mod_fastcgi - current . tar . gz
cd mod_fastcgi - *
cp Makefile . AP2 Makefile
The next two steps will depend on your architecture: For ia-32:
make top_dir = / usr / lib / httpd
make top_dir = / usr / lib / httpd install
For ia-64:
make top_dir = / usr / lib64 / httpd
make top_dir = / usr / lib64 / httpd install
The module is installed in /etc/httpd/modules. Add the following to /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf: LoadModule fastcgi_module modules/
Categories: How-To's , Technology Tags: AWS , CentOS , FastCGI , Fedora , howto , Linux , tips , Yum
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erics , February 25th, 2012
yum install glib2 - devel
yum install fuse - devel
yum install libcurl - devel
wget http : //
tar xvzf curlftpfs - 0.9.2.tar.gz
cd curlftpfs - 0.9.2
. / configure
make install
Categories: How-To's , Technology Tags: Amazon , Amazon Linux , AWS , CentOS , compile , configure , Curl , curlftpfs , fuse , glib , howto , make , make install , tips , Yum
erics , February 9th, 2012
YMMV… /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.1.52
Categories: How-To's , Technology Tags: AWS , CentOS , Config , Configuration , howto , Linux , my.cnf , mysql , Sample , tips , Where , WhereTo
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erics , February 9th, 2012
yum install sysstat
Categories: How-To's , Technology Tags: Amazon , AWS , CentOS , howto , iostat , Linux , sysstat , tips , Yum
| 1 comment
erics , January 20th, 2012
Stop the instance first…YMMV:
yourHost # ec2-describe-images describe-images -o amazon --filter "manifest-location=*pv-grub-hd0_1.02-i386*" --region us-east-1
IMAGE aki - 805ea7e9 ec2 - public - images / pv - grub - hd0_1 . 02 - i386 . gz . manifest . xml amazon available public i386 kernel instance - store paravirtual xen
yourHost # ec2-modify-instance-attribute --kernel aki-805ea7e9 --region us-east-1 i-39764XXX
kernel i - 39764XXX aki - 805ea7e9
Categories: How-To's , Technology Tags: AMI , Amzaon , Attribute , AWS , CentOS , ec2-modify-instance-attribute , GRUB , howto , Instance , instance-attribute , Linux , pv-grub , pvgrub , release , release notes , tips , update , upgrade
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erics , December 30th, 2011
yum -- enablerepo = epel install perl - Net - Amazon - EC2 perl - File - Slurp perl - DBI perl - DBD - MySQL perl - Net - SSLeay perl - IO - Socket - SSL perl - Time - HiRes perl - Params - Validate ca - certificates
wget - O / opt / aws / bin / ec2 - consistent - snapshot http : //
chmod 0775 / opt / aws / bin / ec2 - consistent - snapshot
Categories: How-To's , Technology Tags: Amazon , Amazon Linux , AWS , CentOS , chmod , consistent-snapshot , EC2 , ec2-consistent-snapshot , EPEL , howto , Linux , perl , Repo , Snapshot , tips , wget , Yum
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erics , November 6th, 2011
NOTE: This procedure requires Postfix version 2.7 or greater! Create or edit the following three files: /etc/postfix/
sender_dependent_default_transport_maps = hash : / etc / postfix / sender_dependent_default_transport_maps
aws - email unix - n n - - pipe
flags = R user = mail argv = / opt / aws / bin / ses - send - email . pl - r - k / var / spool / mail / aws - credentials - e https : // -f ${sender} ${recipient}
/etc/postfix/sender_dependent_default_transport_maps aws-email: aws-email: Verify the credentials are in place and have the correct ownership and permissions:
chown mail : mail / var / spool / mail / aws - credentials
chmod 600 / var / spool / mail / aws - credentials
Compile the new map and reload postfix.
postmap / etc / postfix / sender_dependent_default_transport_maps
postfix reload
tail - f / var / log / maillog
Categories: How-To's , Technology Tags: Amazon , AWS , aws-email , CentOS , Email Routing , mail , Mail transport , maillog , , , MTA , PostFix , Postmap , Routing , Sender , Sender-based routing , Transport
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erics , October 31st, 2011
Here are the Amazon docs: Edit and generate a new
# yum install sendmail-cf mailx
# cd /etc/mail
# cp
# cp
# vi - Apply edits shown below
# make -C /etc/mail
# vi mailertable
# makemap hash /etc/mail/mailertable < /etc/mail/mailertable
# service sendmail restart
/etc/mail/mailertable .{TAB}aws-email:%0 Replace the {TAB} with an actual tab character, and the last character is a zero. /etc/mail/ Change: DAEMON_OPTIONS(Port=smtp,Addr=, Name=MTA’)dnl To: dnl DAEMON_OPTIONS(Port=smtp,Addr=, Name=MTA’)dnl Please note above the space after the leading ‘dnl’ and that there is a trailing ‘dnl’ […]
Categories: How-To's , Technology Tags: AWS , CentOS , howto , SES , Simple Email Service , Simple Email Services , tips