ALTER USER'root'@'localhost'IDENTIFIED BY'newRootPassword'; Check and veify your my.cnf ssl entries if you see the following error in the /var/log/mysqld.log file at startup:
Failed toset up SSL because of the following SSL library error:SSL_CTX_set_default_verify_paths failed
I tried upgrading pip when prompted to do so: sudo pip install –upgrade pip This worked, but removed the system install in /usr/bin/pip and replaced it with /usr/local/bin/pip – NOT GOOD! The solution is as follows:
If you get this error when starting Apache or via apachectl configtest: [warn] _default_ VirtualHost overlap on port 443, the first has precedence then you must add: NameVirtualHost *:443 to /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf, then restart Apache
Permission denied: could not bind to address To disable on the fly: # getenforce Enforcing # setenforce 0 # getenforce Permissive # sestatus To survive a reboot: # vi /etc/sysconfig/selinux Change: SELINUX=enforcing to SELINUX=disabled ~or~ SELINUX=permissive
I had to replace an ailing root volume on AWS, so I decided to double the size when I created the new volume from snapshot. After booting, I realized that df still showed the old filesystem size of 10GB, not the new size of 20GB Here is the solution: resize2fs /dev/xvda1
I was getting tired of using iptables to block the various hackers and bots constantly slamming my servers (the Chinese are the worst offenders by far – curse them!). I found the Apache module mod_evasive and installed it. Here are links to various articles about mod_evasive: Add the Module to Apache I […]