How To Set an Entire AWS S3 Bucket to Public Read Using a Policy

Author: , February 10th, 2025

I needed to get all files in a bucket readable by the public easily. Here is the S3 Bucket Policy I applied:

To do this via the aws cli command, create the file s3_read_policy.json containing the policy above, with your bucket name in place of BUCKET_NAME_HERE:

How To Fix “IOError: [Errno 10] No child processes” When Running the aws CLI Command from Perl WWW-REST-Apid

Author: , December 3rd, 2020

Problem While running the aws cli command from a Perl async command inside apid, I go the following error:

Solution The issue turned out to be a bug in Python2.7, so I upgraded to Python3.4, then uninstalled and re-installed the aws cli software so that it used the proper Python34 version. Procedure […]

How To Fix Peer Not Authenticated Errors While Using AWS API Tools

Author: , February 9th, 2016

I was getting the following errors when using an older version of the Amazon EC2 API Tools: $ ec2-describe-regions Unknown problem connecting to host: ‘’ Unable to execute HTTP request: peer not authenticated The solution was to upgrade to the latest AWS CLI tools and start using the aws command instead. For example: aws ec2 […]