How To Use Complex Phrases With Siri
Siri has some slick functionality that I just love.
You can use complex sentences to interact with Siri.
Here is the proper speech syntax:
“Email [recipient] about [subject] and say [body of message].”
I say: “Email Naomi about dinner and say I’m running late and to please wait for me.”
Siri replies: “Here’s the email message to Naomi. Ready to send it?”
When you reply to a message, you may do similar things: “Reply I understand and will hold dinner for you.”
You can even specify the sender and the day that message was sent. Try something like: “Find email from my wife yesterday.”
Also, wherever you see a microphone button, you can press it to enter dictation mode, which lasts until you press the Done button.
You simply state punctuation and letter case:
“Hi comma Naomi period new paragraph I just wanted to all caps THANK YOU all caps off for the fantastic dinner period new paragraph Love comma Eric”
Also, dictation allows you to stop and start without penalty, so don’t feel the need to rush.
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