How To Unblock AWS RDS Connections

Published Date Author: , Posted October 24th, 2012 at 10:45:53am

Recently, I had a client site outage. AWS had a major EBS failure on Zone B, and one of the instances never recovered.

One of the major issues was the inability to connect to the RDS service:

It turns out two steps were required for resolution:

1. Reboot the instance to get network access again
2. On another host, run the following mysqladmin command:

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Dave Neary - Gravatar Dave Neary said on November 19, 2013, 3:32 am:

Hi Eric,

I’m pretty sure that only one of the twop steps is required – when you restart the RDS instance it should flush hosts automatically, and you should be able to connect from a different instance and flush hosts even without restarting the instance.


erics - Gravatar erics said on November 19, 2013, 6:03 am:

Hi Dave,

In most cases, you may be right, however in this particular instance (pun intended) both steps were needed.

Thanks very much for the input!


Pablo - Gravatar Pablo said on March 27, 2014, 1:52 pm:

Yes, thanks mate. Weird error, but your solution was simple enough.

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