How To Auto-Restart Apache If the Load Gets Too High

The script to check and restart apache…works on CentOS – YMMV!
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#!/bin/bash MAXLOAD=6 check=$(uptime | awk -F'average: ' '{print $2}' | awk '{print $1}' | tr -d ',') if [[ $check > $MAXLOAD ]]; then /sbin/service httpd stop HOST=`hostname` echo $HOST | mailx -s "$HOST load alert - apache STOPPED by cron script" load.alert@your.domain sleep 300 /sbin/service httpd start echo $HOST | mailx -s "$HOST load alert - apache STARTED by cron script" load.alert@your.domain fi |
Add to cron
* * * * * /root/ >> /var/log/restart_apache_if_load_hits_threshold.log 2>&1
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