How To Install s3fs On Amazon Linux Using yum

To be performed as the root
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yum install gcc libstdc++-devel gcc-c++ curl-devel libxml2-devel openssl-devel mailcap fuse fuse-devel wget tar xvzf s3fs-1.61.tar.gz cd s3fs-1.61/ ./configure --prefix=/usr make make install vim /etc/passwd-s3fs chmod 640 /etc/passwd-s3fs s3fs yourBucketNameHere /mnt |
The s3fs password file has this format (use this format if you have only one set of credentials):
If have more than one set of credentials, then you can have default credentials as specified above, but this syntax will be recognized as well:
Matt said on June 5, 2012, 12:55 pm:
After I chmod it says, s3fs: specified passwd_file is not readable.
How can I specify the password file and make sure there is no security problem?