How To Fix “IOError: [Errno 10] No child processes” When Running the aws CLI Command from Perl WWW-REST-Apid

While running the aws
cli command from a Perl async command inside apid, I go the following error:
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IOError: [Errno 10] No child processes |
The issue turned out to be a bug in Python2.7, so I upgraded to Python3.4, then uninstalled and re-installed the aws cli software so that it used the proper Python34 version.
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sudo -i cd ## Upgrade Python yum install python34 alternatives --config python ## "Uninstall" old aws cli mv /opt/aws /opt/aws.fcs cd /usr/bin/ mv aws aws.fcs mv aws_completer aws_completer.fcs ## Install new aws cli curl "" -o "" unzip ./aws/install -i /opt/aws -b /usr/bin /usr/bin/aws --version |
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