Elements and Cognac

Published Date Author: , Posted August 7th, 2011 at 10:26:08am

Last night Naomi took me to dinner at Elements. It was awesome!

Mattias has a new suggestion for the evening’s libations: Cognac… Thank you, my friend – a fantastic find. Buy a case.

Three wonderful pours and a great meal later, Naomi drove us home. Fortunately, she had not had anything to drink.

My thanks to everyone there. Special thanks to the kitchen for making my tuna entree with no tomato and for providing Naomi with a lamb entree which she loved. Justin, you rock, thanks for getting us our favorite space once again!

Since it was a busy Saturday night, we are extra appreciative of the fine food and excellent service, especially in light of being short-staffed.

We also hope that the “Elements Abroad” team in New Orleans had fun and comes home with many stories to share.

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