Just had a conversation with someone about the new iPad that they bought. They asked me if they needed to transfer their email from the PC. It took a while, but it became clear they they had no clue what a browser was, or the fact that GMail lives on Google’s servers. It is very […]
What have we done with the legacy of freedom given to us by the sacrifices of this nation’s founders? We are now a culture driven by consumption. Economic growth at the expense of the health of the planet cannot be sustained, and can lead only to disaster. We have lost proper perspective and balance. How […]
To make the text larger in Calendar, Contacts, Mail, Messages and Notes, go to: Settings > General > Accessibility > Large Text and choose the size you like!
Any attempt to write yet another web framework would be an utter waste of time and effort. There are some significantly well-developed and well-supported Open-Source frameworks that would make any singular effort moot. Recent project efforts have taught me valuable lessons about trying to roll one’s own system. Much better to rely upon the many […]
Proper Credit for this script is due to “jlightner”, user “MensaWater” on linuxquestions.org – reposted without permission (no contact info available). Original link: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-software-2/nagios-check-ram-usage-on-remote-server-747531/ Create the script /usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_mem.sh as shown below (make sure you set execute perms):
Murphy’s Law of Smoke Detectors: A smoke detector low-battery chirp will only start at 4:30am and must wake you up from a sound sleep, NOT start during daylight hours when it would be easy to handle.