Entries Categorized as 'Rants'

The Apple iPhone 4S Is Amazing Beyond Words

Author: , October 14th, 2011

We just got our pair of iPhones today, right on schedule. Looks like AT&T and FedEx did a wonderful job getting the product to our doorstep. I was able to do the activations on the AT&T site with no problem. The phone is…well…extraordinary. Who cares if it is not called the iPhone 5? This thing […]

Another Saturday Night…

Author: , August 13th, 2011

Spent the afternoon with my awesome wife just driving around the countryside. Ended up back at Elements for dinner. Enjoyed a fabulous meal there.

Cannot Face Facebook Any Longer

Author: , August 12th, 2011

Today, I left Facebook. Cancelled my account and everything. The privacy issues were just too much for me. So tired of fighting to keep my personal information, well, PERSONAL… Did you know that it takes 14 days for them to actually cancel your account? That is correct – if you “like” something anywhere on the […]

Amazon Cloud Rains

Author: , August 8th, 2011

How To Export WordPress From The Command Line CLI

Author: , July 29th, 2011

Create a file called export.php in the wordpress top directory containing the following (remember to add the PHP tags at the top and bottom):

Adobe Flash, Scourge Of The Internet -or- How To Fix Safari 5.1 Crashes

Author: , July 28th, 2011

In the past, I used clicktoflash.com to block Flash plugins. Safari was VERY stable. Then, Safari 5.1 REMOVED SUPPORT for webkit plugins and BROKE Click-To-Flash. Shame on you Apple. I did not know this, and have been experiencing Safari crashes every night. Then I installed Marc Hoyois’ ClickToPlugin Safari Extension found at http://hoyois.github.com/safariextensions/clicktoplugin/ All you […]

Jail Time For Free Speech – This Is Justice?

Author: , July 26th, 2011

Six MONTHS in jail for a person who handed out LEAFLETS…WTF?!?!? Mark Schmidter, a 64-year-old roofing contractor, was found guilty of two counts of indirect criminal contempt for handing out leaflets on June 29 seeking to sway members of juries and for doing so outside of specially marked “free speech zones” created for Anthony protesters […]

Where Did July Go?

Author: , July 24th, 2011

I cannot understand where this month went. Just trying to do too much in an effort to survive. Am pursuing some sales leads that look promising and have existing client projects that are coming along well. Simply MUST FINISH them! These are not easy times for this country, except for those in power who get […]

Hellacious Heat

Author: , July 22nd, 2011

Can you say “Global Warming”???

Watch That Finger, It’s DANGEROUS!

Author: , July 2nd, 2011

Welcome to the FREEDOM OF AMERICA…Happy July 4th, everyone! Here is another FINE example of “freedom” in the US of A: Recently, the judge in the Casey Anthony murder trial sentenced a spectator to 6 DAYS IN JAIL for giving the finger to someone on the witness stand. In my opinion, this judge is abusing […]