erics, August 8th, 2019
The power of Tungsten Clustering for MySQL / MariaDB is its built-in intelligent MySQL proxy, known as the Tungsten Connector. The Connector has built-in read-write splitting capabilities, and it is also possible to configure different algorithms which select the appropriate slave (i.e. Round-Robin or Lowest-Latency).
Categories: Balance, Bottleneck, Connector, Heavy I/O Load, Load Balancing, Mastering Tungsten Clustering, Overloaded, Read-only, Read-write, Splitting Tags: Clustering, mysql, proxy, Slave, Tungsten
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erics, June 17th, 2019
Latency-sensitive applications running in Java sometimes experience unacceptable delays under heavy I/O load. This blog discusses why this problem occurs and what to do about it for applications running Tungsten Clustering for MySQL.
Categories: Cluster, Heavy I/O Load, I/O, Java GC, JVM, Manager, Mastering Tungsten Clustering Tags: Clustering, Java, mysql, Speed, Tungsten
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