Entries Categorized as 'Friends'

Can You Say “Nightmare”?

Author: , June 29th, 2010

So I must attend the funeral today: – is one of my closest friends’ mother, who I have known for 20 years – I am very upset – I must video the services – I am allergic to perfume, so I will have to wear a face mask if even one person shows up reeking […]

A Number of Small Steps

Author: , June 28th, 2010

Things accomplished today: Install the faux rocks over the pipe ends on the back lawn. Have entire front yard cleaned and scrubbed by the landscapers Got two of the three lanterns in the front yard working again, third one removed for restoration. Reorganized hanging tools under my desk. Solved a bug or two in YouCake. […]

Thank you, Apple.

Author: , June 28th, 2010

One of my tasks for the funeral is to create a DVD slideshow with pictures of Ruthie, the deceased, along with her favorite music. I was able to accomplish this in under two hours by using iPhoto and iDVD. Thank you Apple for making software like this and including it for free with your operating […]


Author: , June 26th, 2010

At least it was fast for her. Too fast for the survivors. Cancer ate her in weeks. Just awful. I am very upset. Funeral on Tuesday at 2:30pm in Hackensack.

The Reaper Nears

Author: , June 25th, 2010

Just got word that an friend of over 20 years acquaintance is in hospice. I am very sad.


Author: , June 25th, 2010

The weather was tolerable enough this morning that I finished power washing the deck. Done by 10am, too. I am very pleased with the way it is shaping up. James will be here Monday. That will be a good time for him to apply the sealant. Expecting Jeremy to visit today. Eager to have Naomi […]

The Plate

Author: , June 24th, 2010

It is very amusing to me how poorly I feel when I do not have enough work to do. Today I have a vast amount of work to do on many fronts and I am psyched about that. Have much YouCake and Dora and KB&R stuff to accomplish. Naomi is going to WFH today, which […]

A Busy Friday

Author: , June 18th, 2010

Naomi is WFH today because she is not feeling well still. My teeth are still paining me – must get to the dentist. Saw a deer eating in the backyard this morning, and last night Naomi spotted a gopher. One of the feral cats, nicknamed “Mr. Sniffles”, has taken up residence on our deck. He […]

A Masterpiece

Author: , June 7th, 2010

Jeremy’s work on the new computer chassis is sheer beauty. The additional features are quite impressive.

Great Afternoon with Friends

Author: , May 16th, 2010

MIssed seeing my friend Jason quite a bit. He brought his friend Dawn along, a very nice lady. We sat out and had barbecued chicken and burgers. The weather was perfect.