Entries Categorized as 'Friends'
erics, September 22nd, 2010
What power words have. What an awesome construct is the mind of a human that can allow thoughts to take shape and be shared though spoken and written language. How terrible when we cease to listen to those around us, to not hear the message, to ignore the words of those we have come to […]
Categories: BeeGood, Business, Friends, Personal, Politics, Rants Tags: Babel, Communication, Hear, Language, Listen, Pain, Silence, Stasis, Tragedy
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erics, August 8th, 2010
We never made it to brunch today at Elements, sadly. The bartender is a friend of ours, and we are proud to see him making the news: http://eatocracy.cnn.com/2010/08/05/55-mixologist-mattias-hagglund/ Now THAT is creativity!
Categories: Fine Dining, Friends Tags: Elements
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erics, July 28th, 2010
Today James is here working on the deck and the garage. Yesterday I visited a friend in New Paltz, NY. NYS troopers are now using laser for speed detection. Good thing I was not speeding (much ;-))! Things are still going well with the YouCake™ project. Launching soon!
Categories: BeeGood, Domestic God, Friends, Home and Garden, Travel, What? Tags: BeeGood, New Paltz
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erics, July 20th, 2010
Had Kattia, our house-cleaner here today. Garbage is out and the house is sparkling. Even have a load of wash in progress. New office A/C unit arrived today on time, thankfully. The weather has been the hottest on record for July. Our house A/C cannot keep up with it. Tom from Franklin Air was kind […]
Categories: Domestic God, Family, Friends, Weather, What? Tags: Air Conditioning, Franklin Air and Heat, Laundry, Naomi, wife
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erics, July 14th, 2010
Finally winding down for the night. Got the server rebuilt, for the most part. Go the agenda done for the 9am meeting. So much happened today. Suffice it to say that I have found a place to be a real member of the team, to contribute meaningfully, and be accepted for what I am. That […]
Categories: BeeGood, Business, Family, Finance, Friends, Personal, What?, Wyzaerd Tags:
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erics, July 10th, 2010
Been trying to keep up with the various client demands. Did some work for Dora Rings this morning, fixing the Omnia site’s collection images. Now doing the Princeton Amish market coupons, waiting for Naomi to get back from chiro and shopping. Our friends from CT are coming to visit this afternoon and I am rushing […]
Categories: Friends, Nature, Weather, Wyzaerd Tags: Amish, Dora Rings, Naomi, Princeton, rain, wife
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erics, July 9th, 2010
I hope everyone has a great weekend!
Categories: Friends Tags: Friday, Weekend
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erics, July 2nd, 2010
9-10:30am conf call call 10:30-11am visitor Continue conf call until 12:30pm Expecting guest at 1:30pm, so run around cleaning and showering to be ready by then. 1:27pm get message left by guest at 1:07pm (while I was in shower) – not coming. Spend rest of afternoon doing various coding and documentation tasks for youCake, as […]
Categories: BeeGood, Domestic God, Friends Tags:
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erics, June 29th, 2010
Home. Finally. Decided to edit the video tonight. If I wait, I may never be able to do it. Working on it now. I hope I got good footage of the service. Will know later when the camera is done downloading to the computer. It is so much harder to make a good video with […]
Categories: Family, Friends, Stone Manor Studios Tags:
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erics, June 29th, 2010
Got the car fueled and washed for the day’s activities. Have taken care of charging batteries and have gathered photo and computer equipment together. Will get bottled water into the trunk of the car with ice packs before we leave. Just have to shower and dress. One and a half hours until we depart.
Categories: Domestic God, Friends, Personal, Stone Manor Studios Tags:
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