Entries Categorized as 'BeeGood'


Author: , July 6th, 2010

The partnership is solidifying in a gratifying manner. Each person is handing the roles they do best. The new website is also coming together well. Form and function combined. Wonderful progress!

Welcome to the Heat Wave

Author: , July 6th, 2010

Temps to top 100 today. James due at 9am, Aquatronics due at 11am. Should be a very interesting 9am ICI conf call. We will be discussing corporate structure today. Hope everyone comes away from the conversation pleased.

Hot, Hot, Hot

Author: , July 5th, 2010

Temps in the upper 90’s! Thankfully, our A/C is working well. Making progress on YouCake. Have just about finished agenda for tomorrow.

Early to Bed, Early to Rise

Author: , July 5th, 2010

Hopefully healthy, wealthy and wise…. Waiting for Jeremy to show up so we can work on the new YouCake portal together.

Another Full Day

Author: , July 2nd, 2010

9-10:30am conf call call 10:30-11am visitor Continue conf call until 12:30pm Expecting guest at 1:30pm, so run around cleaning and showering to be ready by then. 1:27pm get message left by guest at 1:07pm (while I was in shower) – not coming. Spend rest of afternoon doing various coding and documentation tasks for youCake, as […]

Almost 11pm Already?!?

Author: , July 1st, 2010

This day flew by. Was up by 6:45am. Ran out and got bagels for client visit at 10am. Managed to get cleaned up, laptop prepped, etc. Worked on plan and agenda for 9am YouCake conf call which went very well. Made excellent progress on many fronts. Met with client from 10am – 11:45am. FreeBSD jails […]

Team Work Rules!

Author: , June 30th, 2010

Jeremy and I got a lot of work done today determining our design and implementation next steps. Looking forward to presenting the project plan to Carolyn. …time passed, conference call was had… Everyone is in agreement and we begin tomorrow at 9am. Very exciting!

A Number of Small Steps

Author: , June 28th, 2010

Things accomplished today: Install the faux rocks over the pipe ends on the back lawn. Have entire front yard cleaned and scrubbed by the landscapers Got two of the three lanterns in the front yard working again, third one removed for restoration. Reorganized hanging tools under my desk. Solved a bug or two in YouCake. […]

Another Milestone Reached

Author: , June 26th, 2010

Jeremy and I have been making excellent progress on the YouCake site.


Author: , June 26th, 2010

The YouCake bugs have been vanquished for the nonce!